Stephen Bly Down A Western Trail

Tastes Like Chicken

Stephen Bly Season 4 Episode 7

WESTERN WISDOM  Season 4, Episode 07, "Tastes Like Chicken" audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series.  

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Stephen Bly
Circa 1995 

The first time I ever ate roasted rattlesnake meat, some timid soul asked me, “What does it taste like?” “Why, it tastes like chicken,” I reported.

Then a few years later I had opportunity to eat alligator tail. “What’s it taste like?” someone asked. “Tastes sort of like chicken,” I answered. 

You know, in the Old West there was beef, pork, and chicken. No cowboy would ever purposely eat lamb, so everything else they tried tasted like one of those three meats. If it looked fairly white, they’d certainly say it tastes like chicken. 

Of course, on the range real fried chicken was a rare item. Biscuits, beans and bacon or salt pork was the usual fare. Getting hungry for real chicken caused a few culinary innovations. Every once in a while old Cookie would roll up the bacon, flour, and batter and fry it up. The boys called it fried chicken.  

A pilgrim set down to join the crew with the wagon one day. He bit into a piece of batter and fried bacon. “What is this?” he asked.  One of the crew explained, “Shoot, this is the best fried chicken for 300 miles.” 

You know, if we're desperate enough, we'll call the phony stuff the real thing. Now, doing that with your supper out on the range doesn't hurt anyone. Unfortunately calling the phony stuff real is a problem that we have in other areas of our life.  

There are plenty of folks around today who try to get us to accept false beliefs as real ones. The Bible says, “If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing” (1 Timothy 6:3). 

These are the ones always trying to convince us that what they have is the real faith. They use all the words in the dressings of the Christian faith, trying to get us to think that they have the authentic faith. 

Why, this is just like saying, “this tastes just like Christianity.” Well, bacon ain’t chicken, never was and never will be. What the false teachers are trying to peddle isn't Christianity, no matter how much flour and batter they dip it in.