Stephen Bly Down A Western Trail

Nickel Plated From Head to Toe

Stephen Bly Season 5 Episode 2

WESTERN WISDOM, Season 5, Episode 2, "Nickel Plated From Head to Toe" audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by Legacy Series.  

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Nickel Plated From Head to Toe
Stephen Bly
Circa 1995 

My wife, Janet, enjoys wearing western-style clothing. Oh, not the common, ordinary jeans, boots, and blouse, but rather what I call western chic. Her sterling silver, feather, and turquoise earrings, for instance, will have to harmonize with the rings on her fingers and the necklaces. And they have to blend in with the sequined blouse and matching skirt. Preferable for her the boots must be a complementary color and classy style. Even the boot bracelet must be coordinated.  

Over the years she has gathered quite a collection of western blouses, dresses, and skirts, bandannas, and scarves, as well as boots, belts, and jewelry. Dressing western certainly fits our lifestyle. And classy western fits Janet’s personality well.  

Not too long ago I was standing at the grange hall waiting for a community meeting to commence, visiting with Big Fist Bob. Bob looked up as Janet came into the room and exclaimed, “Here comes your missus, nickel plated from head to toe.”  

Nickel plated … you know, that’s a very high compliment. Old time cowboys called something nickel plated if it’s the best and fanciest of anything. You could have nickel plated saddles, nickel plated homes or nickel-plated wives. Well, Big Fist Bob is correct about one thing—Janet is a nickel-plated wife.  

But her worth is not in what she wears. It’s in her relationships, her love for the Lord, her commitment to her children, and her faithfulness and loyalty to me.  

I believe heaven is going to be nickel plated. Oh, sure, the Bible tells us that walls will be made of jasper in a city of pure gold, as clear as glass. And on and on it goes about the choice building materials of heaven (Revelation 21:19-21). 

I’m sure it will be a beautiful sight. But those aren’t the reasons I call heaven nickel plated. You see, it’s real beauty will be in the relationships there. The Lord Jesus will be at home, you know. And He’ll be on the throne and the only ones to people that place will be those who give Him the honor, praise, and worship He deserves. 

Like the key ingredient in a good marriage, what makes heaven of great value will be the purity of relationships, not the jewels and nickel plating.