Stephen Bly Down A Western Trail

One Foot in the Stirrup

Stephen Bly Season 5 Episode 10

WESTERN WISDOM Season 5, Episode 10  "One Foot in the Stirrup" audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Always ready to help with your tool kit. Circa 1995. Sponsored by Legacy Series.  "One Foot in the Stirrup" blog post article found here:

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Stephen Bly
Circa 1995 

I was drinking coffee at the Drover’s Café when Leo McKinny moseyed in and asked about how I’m getting along with my building project. You see, I’ve been busy building a false front western village in the lots next to my house. The place is called Broken Arrow Crossing.  

Well, Leo took an interest in the project and volunteered to come over and help, if I ever needed a hand. “You know me,” Leo blustered. “I’ve always got one foot in the stirrup. You can call me anytime.” 

Frontier Talk

Now, most men on the frontier really do mean it when they say they’ve got one foot in the stirrup. Leo meant he was always ready for any emergency and I shouldn’t hesitate to call if I needed help. 

It seems to me that’s an attitude we all should have. We ought to be ready to help a friend at all times. I guess that’s why I carry a universal jack, a lug wrench with four different size sockets, a tow rope, and jumper cables in my rig wherever I go. That way I’m ready to help when needed. 

Quick to Assist 

But we should be quick to lend assistance to those in tough spiritual situations as well. 

Paul says, “And we urge you brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone” (1 Thessalonians 5:14). 

That’s sort of like loading up a spiritual tool chest to carry along with you at all times. Be constantly ready to help. That’s having one foot in the literal or spiritual stirrup.  

Readiness Attitude 

It doesn’t mean you’re above asking for help yourself. Nor does it indicate you’re spiritually superior to those you volunteer to help. It means you recognize there are some tasks you cannot complete alone. You’re willing to assist another person reach their goals. 

But sure, you can go through life without asking anyone to help you. But you’ll have great limitations both in the physical and spiritual world if you insist on going it alone. 

Spiritual Tool Kit 

Next time you meander outdoors to go anywhere, pack along your spiritual tool kit. You never know who’s going to need your help.